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Hosannah! - The Story behind the Song
On Palm Sunday this last year, our Pastors wife and our youth teacher were
going to have our kids recreate the Triuphal Entry. (This is where Jesus came
to Jerusalem riding on the back of a donkey, as people praised Him and laid
palm branches and cloaks on the road before Him.)
They asked me if I could do some background music as they did their
presentation so I went to work, looking through all the music and CDs I had
for the perfect song. After going through everything I came up empty handed.
With only a couple of days to go, I got out my guitar, and asked God if He
would write a song with me. This song is what came out.
The worship team learned it, each one adding to it, and in the end we had a
song full of joy, excitment, energy and praise. We played it on Palm Sunday,
and people began singing as if they already knew it as the kids marched down
the isles, waving palm branches. I half expected the Lord to come through the
door as the parade of children came in. That's just the sort of thing Jesus
would do afterall. Maybe next time!
-Robert Bubnis