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GCF History
Pastor's Message
Bulletin Board
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to the Grace Community Fellowship Church website.
Here, you can find out more about us and hopefully, after exploring for
awhile, you'll consider this page a written invitation to come join us.

Grace Community Fellowship Church
is a non-denominational church, led by Pastor Dallas Frazier. What most
people are impressed with is how welcome they feel when they come. We truly
do live up to our name as a Church filled with friendly people,
delighted to be saved by grace, through faith in Jesus. Grace Community is more than just a church - we're a family.
We have a full praise band that
plays a mix of contemporary Praise songs such as "Praise
Adonai", "Shout to the Lord", "I Can Sing of Your Love
Forever", along with classics like "Power in the Blood" and "Doxology" with fresh musical arrangments. Our music service lasts about
45 minutes, and anyone with the talent and desire is encouraged to take
part. Our core team consists of guitar, bass guitar, electric guitar, steel guitar, and drums.
Special music is welcome from anyone who desires to participate and share their gifts.
We strive for a fresh sound, with a Maranatha/Vineyard feel.
Worship tends to be loosely structured, giving room for the Holy
Spirit to move. People are encouraged to speak up in between
songs to give testimonies, praise reports, or prayer requests. We are happy
to have a church where the congregation is free to express themselves during
the worship of our Lord.
We have a growing youth group, a nursury, Sunday School classes, and special mid-week get togethers.

While this site is still under development, but soon you will be able to find:
A History of our Church.
A list of links to valuable Christian Internet Resources.
A message from our Pastor, as well
as a library of sermons, listed by topic, which can be ordered free of charge.
Samples of music from our worship team.
A guide to helping you become a Christian, or help you lead someone else to Christ.
A bulletin board where you can share prayer requests, give praise, or ask questions of our Pastor.
A selection of FREE new original worship music, catagorized as opening music, deep worship music, closing music, background music, and special music. This will be available in an MP3 format, with chord sheets and lyrics that you can download for your private use, or use in your Church.
Click here to download "Hosanna! The Lord is on His Way!"
We meet Sunday mornings at 9:00 for adult and youth Sunday School Classes, with services starting at 10:00. We are located at 3904 Hwy. 31W, Cottontown TN, in the brick building with the green tin roof and white steeple. We have no dress code so if you feel like dressing up, or you want to come casually, you are more than welcome to join us.
Email us by clicking on the
icon below.

Thanks for visiting and remember
